As each week goes by so incredibly fast, I hope to blog more often, to keep connected with friends and family. I want to encourage, build up, and love others by showing them the blessings and struggles we experience.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Addison's one year birthday!

Addison Paylor

Addison turned one year old! Her birthday came right after her release from the hospital and on the day of our trip to New Mexico, so we didn't do anything big and dramatic. We were exhausted and just enjoying the wonderful life she is and that she was getting better. Addison is such a fun girl. She is quiet and observant, watching first to see what is going on. She loves her mommy and is super attached to her. Addison loves to play with Parker and is learning how to get his attention and get him to react to her. Oh the fights are around the corner, I can tell already. Addison has stunning blue eyes, and we get comments on them every where we go. She still can't walk, is really close, but it seems like being so sick set her back. Addison can crawl very well and cruise very well also. She pulls up on anything to get up and see. She still doesn't have any teeth! Everyone I've asked about it says that they have never seen a baby not get teeth, so they will come in some time. She loves to eat and drink. I think she eats more than Parker! We are running out of things that she can eat without any teeth as she is tired of "baby" foods. Addison loves baskets and bags and purses. She loves to empty them and examine everything in it, and then put it back. She also loves her bear and any stuffed animal she can cuddle. It's so sweet to watch her hug and give love to her animals and baby dolls. Addison doesn't like to be cold, so it's been a long winter for her. We haven't taken her for her well check yet, but will this week. After that, I'll add her size..but I know she's about 17 pounds....seems like her motor runs faster than the rest of us! She's a little peanut, but that's okay! We love her all the same! Happy Birthday Addison! We did have some cake at my sister's!

So we had Addison's one year well check yesterday! All is well. She weighed 18 pounds and was 29 1/2 inches long. She has to be 20 pounds to turn around in her car seat, so I guess she'll have to wait a few more months for that excitement. I remember Parker barely made the weight cut off by his first birthday. As for her kidney and double ureter issue, we are going to have to monitor her every few months to make sure she doesn't get any infection, as well as keep her on daily antibiotics to help prevent any chance of infection. So, overall it's a good report...nothing major like surgery required or more tests, so that's good!


  1. Paxton did not get any teeth until after his first birthday, and I started giving him table foods at 8 months. It's amazing how strong their gums are at breaking down food.

  2. Jennifer, I know! she tries so much, I'm more a little paranoid about her choking. So did his teeth come one by one or all at once?
