As each week goes by so incredibly fast, I hope to blog more often, to keep connected with friends and family. I want to encourage, build up, and love others by showing them the blessings and struggles we experience.

Monday, April 5, 2010

March 2010

Another month gone! It's been a crazy month. It started thinking it would be another cold month, another month of winter, and getting spring fever. I wondered why I had this feeling, I expected it to still be winter, but then I realized that in Lubbock, it was spring for sure, with warm temperatures, and high winds. The winds I do not miss at all, and am so thankful that we didn't have any respiratory issues from the winds in March either! That's a change! I already posted a couple in March, so it feels like there isn't much left really. We went to Wisconsin Dells, WI for a mini vacation with Micheal's work and had so much fun at an indoor waterpark. You can see those pictures in a post below. Grandma and Grandpa Shields and Aunt Kelly also came to visit, also more in another post!

You will also see in the pictures that ALL our snow is gone! I had to add a couple pics from April already in this post to show you the nice spring days that we have already had. Some days were even in the high 70's! We took advantage of it when we could in between activities and Addison's nap time.

Addison had lots of milestones this month. She mastered the stairs, going up and down. And she began to walk! Now she is into everything, it seems like how can I move things higher and higher, they just keep growing! She also got her FIRST teeth! Yep, her first ones! And they of course weren't the 2 bottom ones that are normally the first teeth, they are her top incisors! She doesn't seem to do much anything according to how the world expects, she does it in her own way. My brother says she's going to be a vampire and that maybe I should have named her Bella!

A nice day to take a walk. As you can see, as soon as you put Addison down she walks away. It's hard to get her to stay put anywhere, even if it's for 3 seconds to take a picture.

The lost cause of an organized tupperware and lid cupboard. Addison gets into it every day, I gave up trying to make it neat....just throw it in there.

Parker going down the slide at the playground in our complex.

Addison wanting to climb up the slide. She loves to go down the slide and has even figured out how to push herself off to go down it when you put her at the top, but she doesn't have full body control yet, and will fall over by the time she's at the bottom.

Parker stylin' his cool new sunglasses for summer.

Addison on the stairs, up and down, up and down, up and down we go.

Addison has discovered she loves to be outside. She is often at the door waiting for someone to let her out and explore.

Mommy said I couldn't go outside, but she didn't say I couldn't reach outside!

An example of Addison and the balloon, that must stay on as long as it floats in the air. It doesn't even hinder her eating.

What? You aren't supposed to chew on markers? Addison learned how to pull the cap off a marker.

We went to brunch with the Easter bunny. Addison let him shake her hand, Parker wouldn't get close enough for a picture.

And, finally, the handsome and oh so sweet and smart Parker! He is doing well too. He has learned more and more words and is understanding more and more. He can tell you what animals live on the farm, and has really grasped size. He has begun to be able to match items very well and started on pattern making. I don't have as many pictures of him as he is too busy to have his picture taken. In April he is going to start swimming lessons!

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