As each week goes by so incredibly fast, I hope to blog more often, to keep connected with friends and family. I want to encourage, build up, and love others by showing them the blessings and struggles we experience.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

January 2010!

January was another eventful month. Time is flying by so fast. We continued our normal routine of just playing and having fun. It doesn't seem like anything new happened, but I know it did. I have 2 amazing babies...who are growing fast into not being babies! Parker is learning to sing along the songs at story time, not being so shy and watchful. He speaks clearer and clearer all the time, and in longer and longer sentences. Parker is figuring things out and surprizes us all the time with the things he has figured out. He seems to remember things so well, and it reminds us that he is always watching and learning.

It's finally thawing out a little bit to where we are willing to go outside longer than running from the car to the house or car to the store! We took a walk one day for some family time. Addison loved being in the wagon and going for a ride as you can see, and of course again, another example of how impossible it is to get both of them to look at the camera at the same time.

Parker and Addison have really begun to play with each other and love on each other. Parker hasn't been upset about not being in his crib since we moved here and he got a way cool toddler firetruck bed. He recently decided it would be fun to lay with Addison when she wakes up. They kick their legs, laugh, and have a jolly ol' time making a racket! Happy nap Addison!

Look at those gorgeous blue eyes and that pretty smile! Addison is so sweet and loving.

Parker loves to do whatever mommy and daddy do still of course. Micheal got a new camera for Christmas, so we have been letting Parker try out the old one. He has fun, and can take some pretty good pictures!

I clearly spend a lot of time picking up! Addison is very quiet and quick about taking things out. She loves to take things apart! I made a blockade with another toy she can't move after this occurance....I don't have time to be putting DVD's back up on the shelf on my To Do list.

Addison and Parker love music! They love to dance, love to sing, love to play and make noise....I mean music. They are quite the band!

A band wouldn't be complete without drums! The music even goes into the night as evidenced by the pajama dance!

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