As each week goes by so incredibly fast, I hope to blog more often, to keep connected with friends and family. I want to encourage, build up, and love others by showing them the blessings and struggles we experience.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September activities

So, I'm way behind again. It's been a busy couple weeks it seems. Parker has given up his nap for the time....so that makes for more fun. We've been keeping busy and trying to find new things to do. We've found a church we are going to go to, so that is one thing out of the way. I'm going to a ladies bible study now on Thursday mornings, and Micheal will go to a men's Bible study on Tuesday nights. Tomorrow we were invited to a story time and lunch by a lady we met at church. Her kids are the same age as Parker and Addison, so I'm excited about this connection.

The first cold front came in yesterday, it's only 48 degrees outside right now, and I haven't seen the news yet today, but I wouldn't be surprised if it froze last night. Well, most of what we've done, I'll describe in the captions, that seems the easiest!

Parker loves to read! He spends time each day reading or being read to. He likes to sit in his wagon and read, and sometimes we get Addison in the wagon too, and take a ride. Addison loves it when Parker invites her into the wagon and he pays attention to her.

Parker is 2! When he gets mad at us or even if we get after him for something he goes and lays on this rug by the door. It's either out of pouting or embarrassment. I had to take a picture so we could remember his terrible two's!

Parker took this picture! But, as you can see, Addy is quite strong on her legs. She can push her walker and stand up well, but she can't keep her legs going with the walker...so what happens is she is holding on tight while her legs and body become parallel to the floor! She can't crawl yet, but yesterday I did get her to stay on her knees for a couple of seconds when I put her on the floor.

I love to stand! In fact, Addison doesn't want to be sat on the floor anymore, she wants us to hold her up to stand all the time. She has steps figured out for the most part, but no balanced of course.

I can even stand well enough mommy will leave me at the couch to cruise all by myself!

Addison and I, under a tree in Rochester. Fall is here!

A river at a park here in Rochester. We like to walk here, there's a nice paved walkway trail, and a playground area. The leaves are starting to change. I feel like we have to take in every season right away since we are only supposed to be here a year.

A bridge in the park we were walking at. But, I took the picture, because as you can see, Micheal and Parker are all the way at the other end already, he's riding his tricycle! But, when we cam to the the bridge, he knew it was a bridge and said "bridge!" I didn't know he even knew that word, and it's not a word we use everyday, especially in Lubbock where there are no bridges, or real ones over water anyway. I guess all the train track building and playing has paid off!

Parker riding his bike down a hill, all by himself! We decided to let the stroller go by itself down the hill too, and Parker and Addison had a race, Parker loves the word race and to race (thanks Grandma Shields!). It was way fun though!

A view of Rochester skyline from the park.

Addison is happy about being an OSU fan! Getting ready for her cheering at homecoming!

Yes, even in Minnesota, Parker and Addison where their OSU gear on game day!

Parker loves the cartoon, Go, Diego, Go still. He can watch it on the computer, and it holds Addison's attention too!

Mommy bought Parker some water color paint! He loves to paint now, we do it almost everyday!

Addison can't crawl yet, but she can scoot on her tummy backwards wherever she wants to go.....this time she was mad because she scooted across the whole rug and "crashed" into this table toy, she had her legs straddling one of the legs, so she was very stuck since she won't pull herself forward.

My two cute and beautiful babies!

And finally, the day is done, it's time to rest! Addison has always loved her hands. She holds them all the time, when she is sleeping especially. I think she's always praying for us. Sometimes we have to pry them apart to change her.


  1. thanks! They are so fun, wish I could post them all, but you know how many that would be!

  2. So happy to read your blog and see what you guys are up to. Looks like you are living in a beautiful area. Your kiddos are adorable!

  3. Hey girl! Glad I found your blog through Jennifer's! Ya'll did move far away, but it sounds like you guys are settling in! Congrats on being a stay at home mom---I know you will enjoy every minute of it! Your kids are getting so big! It seems like you just had Addison!:)
